How to prepare CSAT for UPSC  

5 January, 2022 0 4516

How to prepare CSAT for UPSC

The Civil Service Aptitude Test, also known as the General Studies Paper-II is one of the qualifying papers of the UPSC Prelims.

  • Many candidates do not meet these criteria and get rejected every year.
  • Though the paper is only a qualifying one, candidates should not ignore it completely.
  • Candidates who feel that their general English comprehension and basic math skills are not up to the mark must spend a good amount of time on the CSAT paper.

CSAT Syllabus:

2Interpersonal skills including communication skills
3Logical reasoning and analytical ability
4Decision-making and problem-solving
5General mental ability
5Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude, etc.) (Class X level);
Data interpretation (charts,graphs, tables, data sufficiency, etc. -Class X level)

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